Monday, October 13, 2008

Perhaps, a silver lining?

So sorry I've been in a slump these past few days. The retail world has gotten to me quicker than I expected. I feel like the whole world is belittling me or doing things just to make me feel like a moron, which I don't like. And, will someone please explain the international appeal of Hagerstown, Md.? I have had more non-English speaking customers and customers visiting from other countries in the past week it's been ridiculous. All I know is, if I had family or friends overseas and they came to visit, I wouldn't make them endure Hagerstown, especially with our proximity to D.C. To each his own, I suppose. 

The monotony of it all has just put me in this irritable slump that I can't seem to get out of. The juices of creativity just aren't there and I have absolutely nothing to say. I go to work, and while there I put bras on hangers and curse people who mess up my panty tables. My managers tell me I don't know any better and send me home. I get frustrated, sit on the couch like a lump and write in my blog. Something has to change. 

It can't all be or stay bad though, right? Absolutely not. 

I arrived home today to discover a missed call from Washington County Public Schools. My heart skipped beats as I listened to the voice mail. A woman from Human Resources is interested in pursuing interest in my application to substitute teach to the next level. I can sign up for a time to get my finger printing done on Monday if I give her a call back. 


I wanted a subbing gig from the moment I decided to come back here. It will give me a bit more insight into education before I enter it as a student again and will also help get my foot in the door in a local school system. If I can secure a position, I'm going to reduce my hours at LHBP to give me a few days off during the week to be open to sub. 

Things could certainly be looking up as far as me feeling restless, useless and bored. 

I'm optimistic for the first time in a few weeks. Now, to help this get off the ground without too much turbulence. 

Thanks for reading. 

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